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How do I use Karben NFC card app?

Step 1: Download the Karben NFC card app

You can download Karben NFC card App On Google play or Apple Store.

Karben iOS apptore-button
Karben Android ggplay-button

Step 2: Setup your profile on the Karben NFC card app and you’re ready!


1. Log In

Log in using your Gmail, Facebook, or Apple ID account.


2. Manage Your Bio Page:

Add your social network profiles by clicking "Add More" then selecting the social media site from the options.

Type in your profile link or username, then toggle "Public" if you want that link to be viewable in your bio page. Then, hit "Apply" to save your changes.


3. Set Your Profile to Public

Make sure your bio profile is set to "Public" so it can be viewed by others.


4. Tap and Activate Your Karben NFC sticker

For iOS users: Go to your phone's settings and turn on NFC (Near Field Communication). Tap your Karben NFC sticker using the upper front portion of your iPhone. Once you’re asked to “Activate Karben”, click “OK.” Hold your phone next to the tag until it vibrates – this means your tag has been successfully activated.

For Android users: Go to your phone’s settings and turn on NFC (Near Field Communication). Then, tap your Karben NFC sticker using the center back portion of your Android device. Hold your phone next to the tag until it vibrates – this means your tag has been successfully activated.

Note: If you’d like to put a Karben NFC sticker on your mobile device, we recommend placing it on the lower part of your phone (excluding Samsung models, where it’s best to put the tag on the upper portion). This placement helps avoid repeatedly setting off your NFC reader.


5. Manage Your NFC Stickers

Open the Karben NFC Digital Card app and go to “My Stickers”. Here, you can view your tags’ locations, the number of scans they received, and a list of people who scanned them. You can even view the location of the people who scanned your Karben (if they enable you to access their location).

Click “View All Stickers’ Location” to see where a tag was last scanned. This screen also shows the details of each tag – its name, picture, total view count, the people who scanned it, and more.

Karben NFC Smart Card also lets you set up a private message that will pop up when people tap your tag. This is a cool way to introduce yourself, even before they see your social media profiles. If you want the tag to simply display your profile again, just clear out the private message box and hit “Save”.

You can also add new tags by tapping the "+" button at the top right corner of the My Tags tab. Ran out of tags? Just tap “Buy Now” to get more Karben!


6. QR Code

Even those without NFC-compatible devices can tap your Karben! Just share your QR code so they can view your bio page and all your added profiles. Just note that this feature is only available when your bio profile is public.


7. How can I delete my Karben account?

Please contact us via our live chat or phone support, see phone number here

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